Mangawhai Lions Club
Mangawhai Food and Wine Festival Sponsors
We are looking to work alongside our Sponsors in a number of ways;
You can provide a direct donation (See Sponsorship packages)
You can contribute to a particular component of the festival; by consultative, or practical work.
We want to build relationships with key sponsorship partners who share our vision for this festival and make this an iconic event for Mangawhai.
You do not need to join Lions, but you would be most welcome!
Contact us NOW email mangawhailions@gmail.com or call Clive on 021 802 532
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor Value $3,000
Logo on event poster
Logo on the Wine Festival Program
Up to 3 signs showcased at the event
Mention from the MC on stage
Logo on event Web page
8 Tickets to the Wine Festival
Limited opportunities for corporate marquees
Silver Sponsor Value $2,000
Logo on event poster
2 x Signs showcased at the event
Logo on the Wine Festival Program
Mention from the MC on stage
Logo on event Web page
4 Tickets to the Wine Festival
Bronze Sponsor Value $1000
1 x Sign showcased at the event
Logo on the Wine Festival Program
Mention from MC on stage
2 Tickets to the Wine Festival
Donation $500
Logo on the Wine Festival Program
Mention from MC on stage